Blue Mountain Photo Club meets the third Thursday of the month at the School District Administration Building, 364 Park St. Doors open at 6:15, and meetings begin at 6:30.

Our Mission is to promote photography in the Walla Walla Valley by:
. supporting all skill levels of photographers,
. collecting quality images through monthly competitions,
. providing educational programs at monthly meetings,
. mentoring beginning photographers,
. offering membership scholarships for students under 19 years, and
. participating in the Annual Photography Weekend.
Our Meetings are held on the first and third Thursdays. The first Thursday's meeting is a competition meeting. There are three competition categories: traditional electronic images, creative electronic images and print images. The rules for our competitions can be found here.
Members use a wide variety of equipment, ranging from simple point and shoot to professional cameras.
The third Thursday's meeting is business and educational where members and guest speakers give presentations. The club takes the months of July and August off. Our February meeting is the annual awards banquet.
The Blue Mountain Photo Club is affiliated with the Columbia Council of Camera Clubs, the Northwest Council of Camera Clubs and the Photographic Society of America.